




昨天陈春华朋友给我写信,说他下载了我的Sqlite Developer,结果安装后无法运行,报无法加载ParserDLL.dll错误,我当时觉得很奇怪,因为我测试了一下在我的开发机器XP上没有问题,经询问才知道他的操作系统是Windows2000。今天我在Windows2000上重现了这个错误,仔细Review了一下代码,发现显式引用DLL的地方是这样写的。

//Fix can not load ParserDll.dll on windows 2000 system


发布Sqlite Developer 0.97 Alpha1

0.97 Alpha1 (10/30/2005)

  • Fixed:[DBA] adjust too large string field display length in Data Grid
  • Fixed:[DBA] disable edit system table
  • Fixed: [DBA] make Data type names showed in Table Edit Grid same as the sqlite standard
  • New: [SQL Editor] Support view and edit string , blob field as Hex Value
  • New: [DBA] Advanced Index Management
  • New: [DBA] Add Old DDL Tab to Table, Trigger, Index and View Management UI.
  • Updated:[DBA] drop table, view and refresh the indexes and triggers at the same time
  • Updated: [Parser] when rollback automatically refresh the Db Explorer
  • Fixed: [SQL Editor] minor tweak DataType display in the auto complete window
  • Fixed:[DBA] now we can generate correct multi primary key create table sql
  • Fixed: [Query Builder] Query Builder now supports Views
  • Fixed: [DBA] Completely rewrite the Table Management and fixed lots of bugs.
  • Updated: [Install] Upgrade LiveUpdate



发布Sqlite Developer Preview 0.93


  • Fixed:[Parser] some create SQL will not automaticlly add node to DB Explorer when executed successfully
  • Updated:Upgrade sqlite dll to 3.27.
  • Fixed: [Parser] Can not parse 'XXX' and "YYY" type table name
  • New: [DBA] support display and edit the temp table, view,trigger
  • New: [GUI] Add two new filter(All non-system and non-temporary Objects, All non-temporary Objects)
  • Updated:[GUI] display sqlite3 DLL version in About Dialog
  • Updated: [GUI] Show different icons with tempoary and system table, view, trigger, index.
  • Updated: [GUI] Add some icon to menuitem
  • Updated: [GUI] Minor tweak of options menu
  • Fixed:[DBA] Execute sql does not hide the result tab
  • New: [DBA] Advanced Trigger Management
  • New: [DBA] Add advanced view management



对于Parser Rule,只能使用+, *, ?

但是可以对Lexer Rule使用~操作符号


出于性能的考虑,Antlr没有实现完全的LL(K)解析,而是用了线性的LL(K),但是线性LLK会产生很多的不确定性。经常导致你需要将自然的Parser Rule改写为不自然的形式。

不过据说Antlr 3将提供完全的LL(K)实现,不过从目前的进度来看,感觉要到2007年能推出就不错了:(

发布Sqlite Developer Preview 0.89


  • Updated:Now we can switch opened database in query form.
  • Updated:Upgrade sqlite dll to 3.26.
  • New: Added Log Tab to Query Form
  • Updated: after executing create and drop table, view, trigger, index sql , db explorer will automatically be refreshed.
  • New: Basic db schema extract function.
  • New: View and Edit Blob Field.
  • New: implement Database MainMenu.
  • Fixed: Do not invoke autocomplete in comment block.
  • Fixed: when clear sql monitor sql edit was not cleared.
  • Fixed: now sql parser can correctly process sql which contains mulit-line comment.
  • Fixed: DB Explorer will show plus sign before node even child node count=0.
  • New: Add Explain Query Plan Function.


vxworks 和 vmware

因为VxSim模拟器支持的VxWorks功能有限,因此想装一个真正的VxWorks的运行环境,最开始想到的是在vmware上装一个,这样可以比较省事,但是花了一下午的时间,在MS—DOS虚机上装出来的VxWorks一启动就崩溃了,总是不行,后来在Google上查了一下,才发现Vmware不支持VxWorks,据说Wind River开发组的人内部是用修改过的Vmware和特殊的BSP以及驱动进行的开发,可惜我拿不到那样的版本,郁闷。看来只能老老实实的找台破电脑。

发布Sqlite Developer Preview 0.84


  • Fixed:switch system objects and non-sys objects does not hide the system index(Which was introduced in ver0.75).
  • Fixed: disable Edit Table for System Table schema and data.
  • Updated: Now you can double click on field to view multi-line memo field data.
  • New: basic sql autocomplete function.
  • New: Add SQL monitor.
  • New: Add SQL history.
  • Fixed: some quirk focus problem.
  • Fixed: does not show explain results.(which was introduced in ver 0.75)
  • Updated: executing setting pragma command(pragma name=value) will not show data grid.

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