发布Sqlite Developer1.02 Alpha2

1.02.75 Alpha2 (11/07/2005)

  • Fixed:Can not load ParserDll.dll on windows 2000 system.

1.02 Alpha2 (11/06/2005)

  • Fixed:[DBA] when edit table , grid shows xxx(1,2) datatype as xxx uncorrectly
  • Fixed:[Parser] can not parse create table sql with varchar, char, nchar, double ,numeric etc field type columns
  • New: [Export/Import] Import data from CSV when edit table data
  • Updated: [DBA] when pk's is autoincrement, automaticlly set Data Type to integer
  • Updated: [DBA] show Db Explorer's Db or table information at status bar
  • Updated:[GUI] Add Rows Affected Information to Log
  • New: [SQL Editor] Add Save SQL and Load SQL function to SQL Editor
  • Updated: [DBA] After Creating Table, automaticlly refresh Indexes
  • Updated:[SQL Editor] now Log was displayed order by date desc
  • New: [GUI] Add Windows Menu
  • New: [Install] Add a sample sqlite3 db (Sample.db3) to install package
  • New: [DBA] Add basic clipborad operation to Data Grid
  • New: [Option] Add SQL Editor Font Option to configure the Font and Font size.
