发布Sqlite Developer Preview 0.93


  • Fixed:[Parser] some create SQL will not automaticlly add node to DB Explorer when executed successfully
  • Updated:Upgrade sqlite dll to 3.27.
  • Fixed: [Parser] Can not parse 'XXX' and "YYY" type table name
  • New: [DBA] support display and edit the temp table, view,trigger
  • New: [GUI] Add two new filter(All non-system and non-temporary Objects, All non-temporary Objects)
  • Updated:[GUI] display sqlite3 DLL version in About Dialog
  • Updated: [GUI] Show different icons with tempoary and system table, view, trigger, index.
  • Updated: [GUI] Add some icon to menuitem
  • Updated: [GUI] Minor tweak of options menu
  • Fixed:[DBA] Execute sql does not hide the result tab
  • New: [DBA] Advanced Trigger Management
  • New: [DBA] Add advanced view management